Security isn’t just about keeping your own organisation secure and your customer data safe. Being protected or cyber resilient means that you play an important role in the business ecosystem or supply chain. Each part of that chain has to be secure. This is especially true when it comes to online billing and your cloud-based billing system.

As a compliant billing specialist, we are fully aware of the importance of having the right foundation in place, along with best practices to ensure that our organisation, our customers, our data all remain secure. So, it goes without saying that we take IT security and compliance very seriously.

What compliant billing means to us

Our first step – achieving and maintaining ISO 27001 certification. Our latest recertification achieved in May 2024 saw PRD achieve zero non major or minor non-conformances, which while we’re incredibly proud of it, we know that is standard practice for us.

ISO 27001 certification shows our infrastructure conforms to this international information security management standard; it also means that we have developed the right processes and plans to successfully mitigate the risk posed by cyber criminals. For a cloud billing solution like our Intelligent Billing platform, this demonstrates we’ve taken steps to ensure our customers are assured of secure billing, so their data within the platform is also secure.

And it’s not just ISO 27001 certification we hold; we also hold ISO 9001 certification for quality management and Cyber Essentials Plus certification – a government-backed scheme that ensures organisations have the appropriate safeguards in place to protect ourselves against cyber-attacks and is awarded after a hands-on technical verification.

Secure billing ISO 27001

Secure billing is a team sport

The second step is making sure our entire team is engaged. A robust cyber security posture only happens when each individual, team, and department of a business is committed to ensuring it. At PRD Technologies our teams – management, customer support, development are aware of the importance of delivering a compliant billing solution and being ISO 27001 compliant. As a result, we hold regular workshops, review meetings and assessments throughout the year. Our senior management team leads on this, committed to improving our security posture and ensuring ongoing compliance – so much so we include high-level IT security risk evaluation as a key part of our leadership meetings.

The third step is that we recognise it’s not always easy to go it alone. That is why our dedicated internal IT security specialists work closely with our cyber security compliance partner to ensure our ongoing compliance, identify any potential vulnerabilities and implement immediate remedial actions to strengthen our robust ISMS (information security management system).

Compliant billing is non-negotiable

The business world has come a long way since the early days of cyber security where it was seen as a nice-to-have. The current state of affairs makes having a robust security posture absolutely essential to doing good business. Yes, having a compliant cloud-based billing system requires a significant investment of time, money and resource, but for us, that is non-negotiable and something we take care of on behalf of our clients and will never compromise on.

This is evident in our ongoing efforts to go above and beyond with the compliance of our cloud billing solution, ensuring we have the processes in place to stay ahead of cyber threats, such as our migration from traditional data centre hosting to Microsoft Azure. Our hosting environment is now in the cloud, with additional checks and measures in place to mitigate risk, plus ensuring both our security is stronger and the performance of our secure billing platform is improved.Microsoft Azure logoWhat’s next?

Being compliant and cyber secure is an ongoing mission – something our entire company is dedicated to. Aside from the obvious benefit of keeping our customers’ data safe and providing a secure billing platform, we have updated our certifications to version 2022 of ISO 27001, demonstrating our level of commitment to our customers, potential customers and other stakeholders.

If you’d like to find out more about our Intelligent Billing platform, and our approach to compliant billing and security, we’d welcome the opportunity to chat. Get in touch with us today.

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