Superior integrated billing solutions

When your billing system doesn’t communicate with your other key operational systems, it can have a significant negative impact on your business.

Intelligent Billing from PRD Technologies is an integrated billing solution capable of connecting all your crucial operations systems, delivering sophisticated streamlined billing, along with significant time and resource savings.

How does our Intelligent Billing API work?

Using an API (Application Programming Interface), Intelligent Billing enables multiple applications to communicate with each other in real-time.

Advanced IT programming allows data to be exchanged between a variety of third-party data sources and platforms, connecting your key internal and external third-party systems. So, you can seamlessly integrate all the best tools and systems to optimise your business performance, rather than switching to a ‘one size fits all’ platform and losing the specialised capabilities offered by individual systems.

Using our unique billing system API we can integrate your key operational systems and automate data analysis, processing and reporting to suit your specific business needs.

For example, we can provide an API into your Microsoft Marketplace or MS partner centre. We’ve set this up for global distributor Westcoast Cloud and we can pull the correct data for any Westcoast Cloud Partner as a result. This includes auto-populating the platform for onboarding Westcoast Cloud VAR partners.

Which API integrations are available?

Our technology enables us to integrate Intelligent Billing with virtually any system. Wherever you need to retrieve data from, we can create an API that will automatically collect and analyse it for you, saving hours of manual processing time and eliminating the potential for human error.

If you already have a GoCardless API, Xero API, Netsuite API, Power BI API, ConnectWise API, or any other system API functionality in place, you can quickly and easily integrate these systems with our Intelligent Billing platform.

Here’s a list of just some of our key integration capabilities:

  • Marketplace – including Westcoast, Cloud Marketplace and ALSO Marketplace, enabling you to sync products to Intelligent Billing allowing customers to purchase various cloud-based products, such as Microsoft Office and Azure. These can then be imported via the API for further processing and invoice generation.
  • Microsoft Partner Centre APIs
  • GoCardless – supports all Go Cardless payments (direct debits, open banking etc. automating payment collections and rejections)
  • Accounting and DD collection systems – all mainstream systems
  • Microsoft Power BI – for data analysis, insights, reporting
  • CRM’s – including NetSuite, Microsoft Dynamics and ConnectWise Manage via ConnectWise REST API, for customer and product data synchronisation and agreement creation
  • Custom integrations – for your individual API requirements
  • Intelligent Billing REST API – our inbuilt API provides you with the ability to create your own integrations between any area within the Intelligent Billing platform and your other applications. This has been developed using a standard REST format that is compatible with any application that supports REST e.g. Zapier, Power Automate etc.

Benefits of Intelligent Billing’s API functionality

PRD’s Intelligent Billing system API functionality offers your business many advantages:

  • Feel like you’re dealing with one billing platform, while experiencing the advantages of many
  • Automate and speed up your billing processes
  • Manage billing in real-time
  • Gain efficiencies in data transfer, processing, and reporting
  • Reduce arduous daily administration
  • Boost productivity by phasing out manual procedures
  • Mitigate the risk of inaccuracies due to human error
  • Create a better customer experience for the end user
  • Access expert support at no extra cost
  • Extend functionality as your billing scope changes shape
  • Build a reputation for getting it right every time, on time

Simon Adams, Managing Director of PRD Technologies explains:

“Our objective is to make billing as simple as possible by eliminating manual processes wherever we can – automating collections, processing and data exchanges with third-party systems.

“Intelligent Billing technology easily lends itself to API integrations, resulting in seamless data processing and billing.” 

Pioneering billing platform API

PRD Technologies optimises billing system functionality wherever possible. Our Intelligent Billing interface harmonises your key operational systems, without the clunky complications usually associated with running various systems simultaneously.

Our expertise, skills, resources and capabilities allow us to design solutions that make billing simpler, faster and more cost-effective – whilst never compromising on accuracy.

Ready to implement more effective system communications and enjoy the benefits of an intelligent, streamlined billing system with API functionality?

Click here to book a demo.

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Solutions for all of your billing challenges

Intelligent Billing that puts your business light years ahead of the rest