Cloud9ine is a rapidly growing telecommunications company based in South Wales. It provides business telephones, broadband lines, and cloud-based systems to companies in Swansea, Bridgend, and Cardiff.

One of their most popular services is phone systems for small businesses or remote workers. Their cloud-based VoIP system offers customers all the benefits of traditional telephony whilst based at home.

VoIP technology converts voices into digital signals, allowing calls over the internet. Remote flexibility coupled with savings on maintenance and hardware make it an attractive option for many companies. Naturally, Cloud9ine is experiencing a growth opportunity as the pandemic continues to encourage a shift towards remote working.

After reviewing their client’s current phone systems and connections, recent bills, and usage, Cloud9ine recommends the best system for their requirements. Their key objective is to use the latest trends in technology to give clients peace of mind and value for money, whilst enjoying faster speeds.

billing software providers

Time to streamline

Cloud9ine’s reputation is built on the pillars of efficiency, transparency and outstanding bespoke customer service – so their billing processes demand accurate and timely data processing.

When their original billing software providers failed to meet that demand, they endured 4 consecutive months of billing problems and late invoices. The accompanying user portal had not been user-friendly, which had also created delays and issues.

Efficient telephony is the foundation of every business and Cloud9ine’s products are the cornerstone, so when the cracks started to show they knew they could allow absolutely no margin for further error.

Following a recommendation from another PRD Technologies customer, Cloud9ine chose us as their new billing software providers because they needed fast, robust, and precise data processing. Our friendly, supportive approach also appealed to them because it aligns with their company values.

The brief? To process high volumes of monthly calls and services, including data split between CDR files (call data records e.g. time, date, length of call, mobile, landline, international) and SDR files (service data records e.g. line rental, broadband, VoIP).

There was also a need to merge invoicing within one single platform for simplicity.

Telecoms billing software

All set-up for success

PRD Technologies carried out the following activities to help Cloud9ine achieve their billing objectives:

  • Presented a demo of the Intelligent Billing software, showcasing reporting, accounting export functionality, and direct debit collection features; explaining how these would benefit their business
  • Installed them on the LITE platform with a Cloud9ine-branded portal that is easy to use
  • Introduced Cloud9ine to their Intelligent Billing support team, who guided the CEO through the set-up
  • Provided the Cloud9ine team with thorough training, building a solid understanding of how to set-up customers’ rate schemes, products, bundles, and handle data uploads
  • Merged existing multiple invoice platforms into a single location within LITE
  • Established all their invoice styles, ready to go within the system
  • Set-up monthly auto-collection from their providers, minimising manual work
  • Went live in December 2020
  • No additional onboarding fees, set-up fees or migration fees

Processing large volumes of data per month? No hassle

Empowered by a more dynamic billing system, Cloud9ine and their customers now experience these benefits:

  • Billing operations have been scaled up and data processing has increased by a third per month
  • Smooth, painless data processing means accurate bills and satisfied, reassured Cloud9ine users
  • Cloud9ine’s reputation for competency, precision and excellent customer service is maintained
  • Less time wasted on manual data analysis and processing
  • Invoices are sent without delay, facilitating streamlined cashflow

Support boosts ROI

“Investing in Intelligent Billing has allowed Cloud9ine to enhance our processes, which has been vital in a time of golden opportunity for a cloud-based telephony service such as ours. “The platform has all the functionality we need to serve our customers brilliantly and ensure competitive business performance.

“On top of all the many advantages of the system, I want to highlight how indispensable the PRD Technologies team has been during onboarding, to help us understand and simplify the whole billing process.

“It’s imperative that we get our billing spot-on, and the accessible support we’ve seen from these friendly billing software providers has shown us how to get optimum return on our investment in this innovative system.”

Phillip Emanuel, Director at Cloud9ine

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